Foot problems are very common among both men and women and become even more common as we age. While some severe problems require a surgical solution, today, many issues can be successfully treated with laser therapy.
Also called low-level light therapy (LLLT) or cold laser therapy, laser treatment for foot-related problems uses less intense laser energy than the ulcers used in surgery. Instead of cutting through tissue, LLLT is applied through your skin, providing a noninvasive treatment ideal for problems like plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, tendonitis, and even hard-to-treat diabetic foot ulcers.
Forward Foot & Ankle is a leading laser therapy provider for patients in New York City, using a custom, patient-centered approach for optimal results. Here, our team reviews five of the key benefits laser therapy provides so you can decide if it’s a therapy that’s right for you.
Not so long ago, finding relief for chronic foot pain meant having surgery and all the potential risks it involves. Incisions and tissue damage typically meant a longer recovery period, decreased mobility, and a decline in quality of life.
LLLT is completely noninvasive. By applying laser energy through your skin, you stimulate natural healing without incisions, anesthesia, the risk of infections, or prolonged recovery.
Inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury — but while a moderate amount of inflammation may help encourage healing, too much inflammation hinders the process. Excess inflammation also causes swelling, limiting movement, increasing pain sensations, and sometimes interfering with circulation and nerve activity.
LLLT stimulates chemical cascades that help control inflammation and reduce its negative effects. At the same time, LLLT helps your body eliminate built-up fluids and toxic byproducts that lead to swelling, nerve compression, and slower healing times.
Circulation is essential for optimal tissue healing. Adequate blood supply ensures tissues receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to help repair tissues and restore normal function and movement. Better blood flow also helps your body eliminate waste products associated with tissue damage.
LLLT promotes optimal circulation by supporting blood vessel function and stimulating the growth and development of new blood vessels around the injury site, which speeds up healing and recovery. Improved circulation is especially beneficial for diabetic foot ulcers or other problems associated with poor blood flow.
LLLT triggers the production of special cells called fibroblasts, which help torn and damaged tissue heal and “knit” back together. Fibroblasts are a key component of the tendon tissue, which is one key reason why LLT is so effective in managing tendon-related issues such as tendonitis.
Increased fibroblast production also helps wounds and ulcers heal faster. By connecting tissues and healing wounds faster, LLLT reduces the risk of infections that can lead to serious complications.
Scar tissue plays a big role in wound healing, reconnecting torn tissue, and even strengthening a site of injury to prevent future damage. But as with inflammation, too much scar tissue — or scar tissue in the “wrong” place — can make healing and recovery more difficult.
Scar tissue is made up of extra-strong collagen networks that can prevent normal movement. LLLT helps “realign” scar tissue, making it softer and more resilient for enhanced function and recovery, particularly in mobile areas like the feet and ankles.
Even minor foot problems can cause a lot of discomfort, and they can cause serious complications without appropriate care. Fortunately, LLLT helps speed healing and recovery without invasive surgery.
To learn more about laser therapy and how it can help you maintain optimal foot health, request an appointment online or over the phone with the Forward Foot & Ankle team in Midtown Manhattan and Staten Island, New York, today.